Award-Winning Blog

Terrific Email Fundraising Tips

I was going through some "saved" stuff and realized I hadn’t yet called your attention to this terrific compilation of email fundraising tips and resources from Joanne Fritz, nonprofit "guide" at Lots of good material here. And as Joanne says, email is not dead! But go ahead, Twitter this post if you must. Joanne, […]

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Not Until Your Mail Planning Is Done

Here is a terrific article from Beth Kanter on trends she sees taking shape in the nonprofit social media world. Now, I do not want you to read her article until AFTER you are sure you’ve crossed all the "t’s" and dotted all the "i’s" on your year-end direct mail, email, and telemarketing appeals … […]

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Watch The Money

In a post called Watch the money, marketing maven Seth Godin asserts: "If you work for a non-profit and you don’t give money to charity, what exactly are you doing in this job? I’ve met some incredibly generous people in the charitable world, but I can also report that a huge number of people—even on […]

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Presenting A Passionate Fundraising Case

Here, from The FLA Group, is a superb paper on how to craft your fundraising case. I wish (for the sake of US readers) I had seen it before the Thanksgiving holiday. I would have insisted that you take it home and memorize it over your "off" days. The basic principles presented in Building a […]

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5 Trends Reshaping Nonprofit Sector

Here’s some food for the brain if you have some spare time over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Agitator readers outside the US, set it aside for your next long weekend. You won’t raise more money tomorrow from reading this report, but it might help you make better sense of the context in which nonprofit fundraising, organizing […]

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New Typography For Donors?

Yale economics professor Robert Shiller wrote an interesting column in the NY Times on Saturday. He talked about the 1930s roots of "recession" versus "depression" and the different mindsets associated with each. "Recessions" can be worked out and overcome … they have "normal" cycles and, importantly, endings. "Depressions" connote something far darker, more sinister, maybe […]

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