Award-Winning Blog

Green, Greed, Greenwashing … Or Good?

A robust debate is occurring within the enviro community regarding the green epiphany of Wal-Mart, the second-largest corporation (after ExxonMobil) in the world in terms of revenue. David Roberts at environmental hub Grist, wonderfully refers to Wal-Mart as “every green's favorite source of cognitive dissonance.” He has editorialized very thoughtfully on Wal-Mart's apparent conversion and […]

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Struggle Over ACLU’s Soul Escalates to Call for Ouster of Leadership

Today's edition of The New York Times reports that a long-seething battle within the American Civil Liberties Union has finally erupted in a very public way. Veteran Times staffer, Stephanie Strom, who has reported on controversies involving ACLU leadership policies and decisions over the past two years, this morning covers the launch of a movement […]

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Change From The Inside … Impossible?

As usual, Seth Godin, revolutionary that he is, offers a provocative insight when he argues that serious change to the status quo, in any institutional setting, needs to come from the outside. Provocative? Yes. True? I'm not convinced. Here in part is what he says: Inside most fields, we see pitched battles between a few […]

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Best Political Videos

Political videos are proliferating these days. The election cycle of course plays a part, but we're just seeing the very leading edge of what will become a huge form of citizen expression on sites like YouTube and the myriad clones set up by major portals like Yahoo, Google, AOL and, yes, even Al Gore's CurrentTV. […]

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Numbers To Note

Here are some important numbers that have crossed our laptops in the past few days. First, politics and cyberspace. Through our research umbilical cord, the folks at Pew Internet Project, comes the news that on a typical day in August 2006, 26 million Americans turned to the internet for news or information about politics and […]

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Branson To Bush: Eat My Exhaust!

President Bush's team proudly announces $3 billion a year in technology subsidies to fight global warming. At least he's beginning to act faintly like a believer that global warming is real … forcing even farther into political Siberia Neanderthals like Senator Inhofe. The Bush Administration's timing was most likely intended to steal the thunder from […]

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