Award-Winning Blog

Cabbies and Carbon Sequestration

When's the last time you had a great conversation with your cabbie about “carbon sequestration.” NOT! And that's the problem with today's knowledgeable, authoritative, but politically weak environmental groups. In a must read article in this week's Nation magazine, Mark Hertsgaard, the Nation's environmental correspondent, contrasts the staleness and homogeneity of the national groups with […]

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If the Wall Street Journal Can Contemplate It …

Prompted by a report that the Wall Street Journal is reviewing its distribution options, Scott Donaton muses in Ad Age about the prospect of a major newspaper bowing to the inevitable, abandoning print altogether and going 100% online. Think it will happen? We do. Moreover, it's a potential transition that every non-profit should consider as […]

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Wouldn’t We All Like to Score Like Ed?

According to Business Week, Ed Robinson spent $10,000 to create a humorous 12-second “viral video” and e-mailed it to five of his friends with his website address. Three months later his site had received 500,000 visits. Wouldn't we all like to score with a creative hit like that?! As the article describes, big dollars are […]

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Giving Plus

According to Philanthropy Today, Bob Wilson, a truly dedicated environmentalist, has announced his intention to give $100 million each to Environmental Defense, The Nature Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Society and the World Monuments Fund, with the proviso that each group match his gift with other fundraising. From my Environmental Defense days, I know Bob is […]

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Play. Learn. Save the World.

“The generation that grew up with Super Mario is entering the workplace, entering politics, so they see games as just another good tool to use to communicate” says Henry Jenkins, an MIT professor quoted in Sunday's New York Times. The Times piece, “Saving the World, One Video Game at a Time”, explores and reports on […]

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Agitating Again: “Funding Father’s” New Book Released

I'll never forget the phone call I received from Richard Viguerie, often called the 'funding father' of the New Right, on election night 1980. A dozen liberal Senate candidates, and presidential candidate John Anderson– campaigns that Craver, Mathews, Smith & Company had worked on that year — had just gone down to in landslide defeat. […]

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